Sunday, March 30, 2014


This is a story poem...not written about a specific person, but certainly inspired by recent events in the lives of my friends and by the recent earthquake. 

Self Centricity Shaken

Sorrows piercing through the holes your absences leave in my heart,

Hopes leaking through the seams of my shattered dreams, pouring through the cracks of my soul,

Washed away by my self-centric longings and blown about by my windswept, restless mind

While I’m clutching at the sands of truth as the ocean of doubts rips it from my numb finger tips.


In uneasy dreams I’m searching for the answers to my life’s puzzles,

Feeling, groping for the missing puzzle pieces,

Unsure where and when my healing is to begin,

I’m searching for the solutions, or rather, the right question to uncover the reason behind it all. 


Eyes half closed and drowsy, slowly lulled by the calm daily routines of changeless drudgery,

Half asleep with clouded mind, glazed with exhaustion, dazed by disappointment,

Suddenly awakened by a quaking, shaking ground,

Thrilled back to heart pounding life with a new awareness found.


The vibration had shaken me awake as my selfish stupor was forsaken,

While the aftershocks from a new realization left my mind alert and my thoughts tumultuously quaking.

My heart is on fire and my soul awakened

My doubts and fears crumbled down, tripping me underfoot


I am jumping away,

Shaken up,

Wakened up,

My mind swaying,

My soul rocking,

Questions vibrating through my heart.


Finding new freedom in the world’s limitlessness,

Finding liberty in my minute fragility,

The epic strength of the ground’s tremors beneath my feet

Putting my dilemmas into perspective and transforming my heart breaks into single points of pain…


Tiny points in the world’s landscape.

Pointillism’s beauty found in each tiny spot of color,

My heart’s red bleeding out to color the world

When I was shaken awake by the vibrating, quaking ground from my soul’s self-centric slumber. 

Pointillism:  Vincent Van Gogh

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Valley of Vision

Heavenly Father,
My faith is in thee,
My expectation is from thee,
My love goes out toward thee,
I believe thee, accept thy Word, acquiesce in thy will, rely on thy promises, trust thy providence.
I bless thee that the court of conscience proves me to be thine. 
I do not need signs and wonders to believe, for thy Word is sure truth. 
I have cast my anchor in the port of peace, knowing that present and future are in the nail-pierced hands.  Thou are so good, wise, just, holy that no mistake is possible to thee. 
-The Valley of Vision, a collection of Puritan prayers, 1660

I Peter 1:6-9
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.  Though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 

When I was very young, my mother started preparing my "Hope Chest."  My mother gathered together a treasure trove of items I might need in my future household.  Silverware, quilting material, baby clothes, and all kinds of 'homey' comforts.  My mother was preparing me for my future.  I know my heavenly Father is also preparing me for my future.  He is instilling all kinds of spiritual gifts and strengths into me as I pursue his will through challenging times. 

Thank you Father for helping me prepare for the future.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Back in the Game!

Dear Ms. Owl's blog readers,

I'm sorry my updates have been infrequent as of late.  I intend to be more active in the future, since I have finished my online classes and most of my BTSA paperwork. 

My life in Hollywood has been busy. 

You know you are in Hollywood, Los Angeles when:
  • Your commute to work is 15 minutes to arrival and 3 hours back due to afternoon traffic
  • Your 'windows down' drive home music is from your friends' professionally recorded CDs
  • You go to the theater at least two times a week
  • Your neighbors all walk around looking Abercrombie & Fitch models
  • Your friends are all actors who sing, dance, and write
  • You always see celebrities when grocery shopping
  • You are constantly offered tickets for free movie screenings
  • You're surrounded by Ray-Ban sunglasses and suntans even in winter

"Hollyweird" is certainly an unusual place.  There is an incredible amount of beautiful, masterfully talented people who excel in all of the arts.  I am counting my blessings and soaking it all in.

Romans 8:28a, NIV
"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him."